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International Student Media Arts Festival

The 2nd event was held under the theme of "The Elderly and Autistic Children", focusing on Autistic children, the Elderly and other social issues, with teachers and students from 22 universities in 7 countries, including China, Korea, the United States, Germany, Matan, and France, working together to create and exchange ideas. The purpose of this event is to promote the exchange of ideas, cultures and humanity through public welfare themed creation activities, and to encourage and call on more people to work together to create a beautiful and harmonious world!


The 2nd " Wonderful World" International Student Media Arts Festival—2018 Guiyang International Comic and Animation Festival and International Student Oceanic Short Film Exhibition


In today's world of rapid economic development and globalization, mankind's unlimited exploitation and solicitation, fragile environments and the rapid disappearance of species require our great attention, and international collaboration and conservation are particularly important.


On the 28th, the teachers and students had a collective discussion and creation of works in international mixed groups at Dacheng Jingshe in Guiyang. Teachers and students involved in the creation of a total of 11 groups, each group combined with the previous day's collection of story materials for 24 hours of work, regardless of day and night, regardless of national boundaries, open hearts, breaking the language boundaries, with a unique perspective and creative works, unlimited imagination to promote the collision of thinking, culture and human nature and exchanges, demonstrating a high degree of mutual assistance and collaboration, and ultimately launched a 11 international Finally, 11 award-winning short video and animation works were presented by international students to express "the re-creation of Guizhou's diverse ethnic stories", and 14 awards, including the Best Experimental Short Film Award and the Best Animation Short Film Award, were awarded by the judges from different countries on the same night.

On the 29th 22 university teachers and students had a full day of academic communication, teams from various countries brought more than 30 pieces of short video and animation works specially prepared for this year's " Wonderful World: The Elderly and Autistic Children", and carried out a whole day of public welfare themed works for broadcasting, friendly exchanges and sharing seminars.


Review of the 2nd event

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